
Indonesian Amateur Radio

About Us

DXPortable Amatir Radio adalah suatu perkumpulan amatir radio minat khusus di Indonesia dengan spesialisasi operasi di luar Homebase (Away from home) atau Portable. Perkumpulan ini memiliki website dengan alamat www.dxportable.com. Saat ini DXPortable sudah memiliki satu web system berbasis kegiatan amatir radio dari Pantai Beaches On The Air (BOTA) dengan nama iBOTA singkatan dari Indonesian Beaches On The Air di alamat https://ibota.dxportable.com. Launching dan di resmikan melalui webinar Launching system iBOTA pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2021 via Zoom.

Extra Program

Indonesian Temples On The Air is an amateur radio program we create to promote any temples and the old historical buildings around the world. Old castles, Fortress, and any old buildings are accepted to be activated in this category.

Indonesian Lakes On The Air is an amateur radio program we create to promote any lakes around the world, You can register and avtivate as many spots/checpoint around a lake.

Indonesian Rivers On The Air is an amateur radio program we create to promote any rivers around the world, Its a simply register and activate as many spots along the river side.

Indonesian Vacations On The Air is an amateur radio program we create to promote any Tourist attractions, tourist places, and any holiday destinations which is not supported by our main program around the world, Its a simply register and activate.


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5 Top Leaders

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    11340 points
  • Top Sponsor
    38 points
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    2304 points
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    885 points
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    Activator Chaser Program Checkpoint Category Code Date and Time Frequency Mode Event Activation

    Event Announcements

    Name Callsign Callsign Used Date and Time Frequency Mode Event Type Event Name Phone Email Action

    Activation Announcements

    Activator Program Checkpoint Category Code Date and Time Province/ State Country Activation
    YB8SB Santorini Riverside River YB/GO-R177 2025-02-28 - 13.00 Gorontalo Indonesia Detail

    Latest Activations

    Activator Program Checkpoint Category Code Date and Time Province/ State Country Activation
    YC2NBY Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 14.15 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YC2AUT Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 10.00 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YD2BCI Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YD2NHI Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YD2PSP Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YD2BNF Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-24 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YD2FCM Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-23 - 3.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YG2BMI Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-23 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YC2CFL Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-23 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    YC2FPI Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk Vacation YB/JT-V196 2024-11-23 - 2.30 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia Detail
    more (1374)

    Latest Events

    Name Callsign Callsign Used Date and Time Frequency Mode Event Type Event Name Phone Email Action
    Davidcy YC5YC YC5YC/2 2024-12-25 - 14.00 21.017 CW TOTA Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk 08127649678 yc5yc@dxportable.com Detail
    KARYANA, SE.MM YC2HBW YC2HBW 2024-11-23 - 23.00 HUNTING SSB VOTA IVOTA TAMAN WISATA WATU PLENUK 085725919434 karyanahbw10@gmail.com Detail
    SURIPTO YF2BKJ YF2BKJ 2024-11-23 - 12.00 HUNTING SSB VOTA IVOTA TAMAN WISATA WATU PLENUK 085784303504 yf2bkj@gmail.com Detail
    Wirasatya dinar YC1DID YC1DID 2024-09-28 - 12.00 7120 SSB BOTA Kejawang 081324006521 wirasatyadina@gmail.com Detail
    Wirasatya dinar YC1DID YC1DID 2024-09-15 - 14.00 7.055 SSB BOTA Bota indramayu 081236521 Wirasatyadina@gmail.com Detail
    more (127)

    User Menu

    Unregistered Users

    ID Uploader Unregistered Action
    7320 YC2NBY YG1DI Remove
    7319 YC2FPI YD2AMI Remove
    7318 YC2FPI YB0NIU Remove
    7317 YC2FPI YD3ARC Remove
    7316 YD2FCM YD3CVR Remove
    7315 YD2FCM YD0JDX Remove
    7314 YD2FCM YD0SCG Remove
    7313 YD2FCM YG3CJU Remove
    7312 YD2FCM YC2BRP Remove
    7311 YD2FCM YH2AI Remove

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    New Programs

    Program Checkpoint Code Category Country Actions
    Taman Wisata Watu Plenuk YB/JT-V196 Vacation Indonesia Activate!
    Shaz Resort 9M2/V195 Vacation Malaysia Activate!
    Permata Indah Resort YB/SN-V194 Vacation Indonesia Activate!
    Bendungan Bili Bili RUMAH KEBUN YB/SN-L193 Lake Indonesia Activate!
    Wana Wisata Gunung Budheg YB/JI-T192 Temple Indonesia Activate!


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